We now have just three more nights left in our home of 33 years. We are mostly packed up with just the bed, a sofa, a table and a couple of chairs to see us over the weekend. Plus of course my trusty Mac!
This has been a great house for us, and when I look back, what really stands out are the parties. We were pretty young when we first moved here and each year we would hold a summer party and invite everyone we knew. Later on we celebrated major birthdays and anniversaries and of course there were the children’s parties, usually themed in some way.
In the pre-teen years it was usual to go and do an activity before coming home for a barbecue
Over the years I came to realise that although I enjoyed the parties themselves, what I really loved was the planning and preparation. Although some items were bought in, we never used caterers and most things were home made. Of the early parties, the curry party for 100 was particularly memorable as someone managed to set fire to the stove (I’m still not sure how) but disaster was averted and the party carried on (not sure I would be so laid back about this now).
Then we come to the last parties, my husband's 60th in 2010, and the very last party, my son's 21st last year
So its goodbye to the dear old house, but taking so many happy memories forward into our new lives.
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, or other festival you celebrate at this time of year, and a happy and peaceful 2015
NB apologies for the different size fonts Squarespace have changed their platform and I con't seem to change the font size and I just don't have time to work out how right now!